The return of male power is helped by the use of medicinal decoctions based on thyme, nettle, calamus, ginger, lovage, hemp. The use of ginseng-based products contributes to the powerful stimulation of male potency, its rapid recovery. Alcohol tincture is recommended to be taken in autumn and winter, following exactly the dosage. For effective treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor and identify the underlying cause of sexual dysfunction.

The benefits of folk remedies for male power
For treatment to be effective, it is necessary to give up smoking and alcohol, to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is contraindicated to eat fatty and spicy foods, including vegetables and fruits in the menu, which in the ideal proportion should constitute 60% of the total diet. It is important to do diagnostic tests to identify the causes of erection problems and treat them (the pathology can often be associated with hemorrhoids).
All folk remedies should be taken only in the dosages indicated in the prescription. Violation of the rules for taking non-traditional medicines can lead to the development of allergic reactions, exacerbation of chronic diseases and a general deterioration of a man's well-being. It is unacceptable to increase course therapy due to the toxic effect of most medicinal herbs on the body. Before home treatment and choosing any decoction or infusion, you should consult your doctor.
recipes with ginger
Ginger is an aphrodisiac that helps to improve sexual function in a man in quite a short time. Experts recommend including this product in every man's daily diet upon reaching the age of 40 years. Its regular intake helps to increase testosterone, thus increasing male libido. The healing components of ginger increase blood circulation in Organs pelvic organs and increase the sensitivity of erogenous zones.
Medical devices (drugs, medicines, vitamins, food supplements) are mentioned for informational purposes only. We strongly discourage its use without a prescription.
Doctors warn that a decrease in potency may be associated with a complex stage in the development of prostatitis or prostate adenoma. Therefore, before starting herbal treatment, you need to consult a specialist.
pickled root
The spice can be consumed fresh and ground, adding to meat, poultry and fish dishes. To restore male strength at home, the recipe for pickling ginger root is especially popular:
- 1 kg of peeled seasoning should be cut into strips and placed in a wide container.
- Prepare a boiling brine with 5 liters of water and 2 teaspoons of salt.
- Fill them with a healing root.
- After 20 minutes, you need to drain the liquid and add 400 ml of rice vinegar, 60 ml of sake, 60 ml of rosé wine to the seasoning and add all this with 7 teaspoons of sugar.
- The resulting product is mixed well and infused in the refrigerator for at least 5 hours.
Twice a day you need to drink 30 ml of the resulting drug. The pickled root itself is used in the preparation of hot dishes or chewed 2 hours before bed for 10 g. Such treatment is contraindicated for men with kidney stones and gallbladder, with stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as with rupture of the heart and blood vessels.
Folk remedies for the normalization of erectile function include decoctions of medicinal plants. The healing power of herbs to improve male libido lies in their ability to activate blood microcirculation in the organs of the reproductive system, a positive effect on smooth muscles. In addition, products with the use of medicinal herbs have vasodilation properties and normalize a man's general vitality.
One of the main reasons for the decrease in male power is blood stagnation or an infectious process in the prostate. Herbal infusion therapy eliminates male penis lethargy, helps restore strength for full sexual intercourse, removing infection and stopping congestion.
To increase male strength and activate vitality, it is indicated by the use of funds based on:
- nettle;
- calamus swamp;
- parsnip;
- hypericum;
- Thyme;
- duvik;
- ginseng;
- Hemp seeds;
- pink radios.
To stimulate genitourinary functions and improve metabolism, a decoction of nettle is used:
- For 100 g of chopped plant, take 300 ml of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes.
- Drink the medicine 3 times a day. You can use nettle seeds, adding red wine and honey in equal proportions.
Thyme is considered a unique medicine to increase male strength. Its curative components contribute to the prevention of prostatitis, impotence, adenoma. An increase in testosterone production is helped by a decoction that uses a thyme flower:
- Dried inflorescences are poured with boiling water in a 1: 2 ratio and consumed throughout the day, like regular tea. The complete course is 10 days.
- Then take 10 days off and repeat the course of therapy.
Ginseng tincture
You can strengthen an erection this way and avoid relapses if you strictly follow the recipe:
- Peeled ginseng root must be crushed in a blender and transferred to a 3-liter jar.
- In proportions 1: 2, dilute alcohol or vodka with ice-cold boiled water.
- Pour the resulting liquid vial on top, mix.
- Under a tightly closed lid, the tincture should be kept in a cool place for at least 10 days.
- After that, the product must be filtered through sterile gauze.
Keep refrigerated. Drink 1 tablespoon before meals 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is until all the tincture is finished. The drug should be taken with a glass of water, it is possible with a teaspoon of buckwheat honey.
Ginseng root is recommended to be combined with lemon juice and garlic:
- For 500 g of chopped root, use the juice of 5 lemons and 5 heads of a spicy vegetable passed through the garlic.
- All ingredients are poured into 2 liters of white wine and kept in a cool place for 10 days.
For the treatment of impotence, you need to drink 100 ml of the drug during the day, divided by 3 times. For preventive purposes, take 30 ml at night, 2 hours before bed.
recipes with aloe
Aloe-based products are popular for restoring potency. Most recipes use the juice squeezed from the cut lower leaves of a 3-5 year old plant. Immediately before use, the leaves should be kept in a dark place for several days to increase the concentration of nutrients. For red wine infusion:
- Take 150 ml of plant juice and 300 g of natural buckwheat honey.
- 400 ml of fortified Cahors is added to the ingredients and mixed thoroughly. The mixture is kept in a cool, dark place for 7 days, then filtered.
Drink one tablespoon before each meal for 60 days.
To treat infectious processes of the genitourinary system and increase the duration of ejaculation, you need to take medicine with the addition of walnuts and lemon. Use 100 g of aloe vera juice, 500 g of natural honey, juice of 5 lemons, 600 g of ground walnuts: grind the products in a blender on low speed. The product must be stored in the refrigerator, using 30 g before each meal. Aloe therapy will be most effective if combined with pelvic and lower back exercises. It is possible to improve microcirculation, activate the activity of the reproductive system through squats, bends, rhythmic contractions of the inguinal zone.
Erection enhancement occurs if you eat garlic every day (2 cloves each). Its use contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, the prevention of oncological tumors and the restoration of potency in men. To improve erectile function, healers advise men, over 40, to combine restorative baths with the ingestion of a decoction of leek milk:
- For 250 ml of warm milk, you need to take 1 tablespoon of chopped spices.
- Boil the composition over low heat for 2 minutes, then strain through a fine sieve.
It is recommended to drink the drug in 2 tablespoons one hour after each meal. The course of this therapy is 7 to 8 days with a week apart. Then the use of the drug can be repeated. If desired, a man can combine periods of garlic treatment with therapeutic baths. There are almost no contraindications for combining procedures with the use of other drug infusions, including alcohol.
healing baths
You can restore male potency and quickly restore sexual desire by taking baths with decoctions of medicinal plants. Lovage, mint, shepherd's purse, bay leaf, nasturtium, chamomile will help to achieve the best result and improve the quality of sexual intercourse. From the listed herbs, it is recommended to prepare combined remedies or alternate them with each other. Treatment program:
- Decoctions of medicinal plants are prepared in a concentrated consistency, that is, for 500 ml of boiling water, at least 5 tablespoons of raw material must be used.
- It is desirable to insist on a thermos for about 12-14 hours.
- It is necessary to take therapeutic baths for 20 minutes at a water temperature of not more than 38 degrees.
- The continuous course of procedures should not exceed 10 days.
- With long-term treatment, a 10-day break is required.
- General therapy with healing baths, according to expert recommendations, lasts up to 3 months, in exceptional cases - up to 4 months.